Monday, 17 October 2016

Moore Legal Technology Welcomes New Consultant

18, October 2016: Moore Legal Technology are pleased to welcome solicitor turned online business generation expert Alasdair Thomson (Ally) to the team as a consultant. Ally will be assisting Moore Legal Technology in providing a better service for its clients, and also helping Moore Legal Technology clients understand the important role the internet has to play in the success of their business.

Ally has been a solicitor since 1995 and understands very well how difficult it is to manage a heavy caseload, whilst at the same time generating business for your law firm. At present Ally sits on the recently formed Technology Law and Practice committee at the Law Society, assisting the legal sector in Scotland to embrace the digital revolution. Ally is also certified by Google, after completing the Google’s Squared course, an award-winning course for leaders in digital marketing.

He said:

“We lawyers only have so many hours in the day and the needs of our clients always take precedence. Telling prospective clients about our work can easily be pushed on to the back burner – something to get round to at some point and something that routinely never gets done.”

However, Ally is determined to make clear to firms that the lifeblood of any business is new work from new clients, and that internet marketing is the future of doing so.

Ally began winning new business online in 2006, later setting up Network Legal in 2011 with Stephen Moore. Network Legal is a lead generation company for law firms and companies in the legal sector with UK wide network of enquiry generating websites which create business opportunities for law firm customers.

From his experience as both a law firm partner and in law firm lead generation, Ally will be pushing Moore Legal Technology to perform better for its clients by thinking like a law firm decision maker when it comes to determining how the business works. From Ally’s consultancy role, Moore Legal Technology will be gaining an internal pressure to demonstrate they are providing value to their clients, and a fresh voice to question the way things are done, and if there is a means to better serve the business.

Ally will also assist Moore Legal technology in helping law firms understand the role of the internet in their law firm’s success, he said:

“I spend a lot of time talking to lawyers about the Internet. Quite often, I will hear the comment: “We don’t get any business at all from the internet”. This is usually said in one of two ways; with pride or as a lament. Those who talk with pride believe their reputation alone brings them work, and thus they have no need of ‘internet work’. Those who speak with despair talk of their website never serving up business opportunities. The common link underlying these two viewpoints is that they either don’t see or utilize their websites as windows into their business.”

Moore Legal Technology are looking forward to working with greater intensity as a result of Ally’s input, and shaping the future of the business in a way which best contributes to client success.

Contact Moore Legal Technology:

If you are looking to gain new clients and start contributing to the success of your law firm through internet marketing, contact Moore Legal technology today.

For Media Contact:
Stephen Moore
0333 130 6755

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